In this video you'll see how to manually compile wine from git and apply a patch.
As an exemple, here we will apply a patch to get Blizzard's client working and play Hearthstone Heroes of Warcraft under Ubuntu.
In fact, there's a bug with current wine version (as of 1.7.10 today), see bug for refference.
As you can see, a patch is available, but you'll need to manually apply it and compile wine from source.
I / Initial Steps:
Open up a 'terminal'and add wine's ubuntu repository:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa
Then open up 'System Settings' and 'Software and Updates'. In the 'Other Software' tab make sure the ' sauc main (Source Code)' is checked.
Finally update package database:
sudo apt-get update
II / Installing dependencies:
First install this :
sudo apt-get -y install git g++ gcc-multilib g++-multilib libc6-dev-i386 lib32z1-dev lib32bz2-dev xserver-xorg-dev:i386 libfreetype6-dev:i386 libmirclient-dev:i386 libosmesa6:i386 libosmesa-dev libjpeg-turbo8-dev:i386 libgl1-mesa-dev:i386 libglu1-mesa-dev:i386 libxcursor-dev:i386 libxi-dev:i386 libxrandr-dev:i386 libxinerama-dev:i386 libxcomposite-dev:i386 libdbus-1-dev:i386 libgnutls-dev:i386 libncurses5-dev:i386 libsane-dev:i386 libv4l-dev:i386 libgphoto2-6-dev:i386 liblcms2-dev:i386 liblcms1-dev:i386 gstreamer0.10-plugins-base:i386 libcapi20-dev:i386 libcups2-dev:i386 libfontconfig1-dev:i386 libgsm1-dev:i386 libtiff5-dev:i386 libmpg123-dev:i386 libopenal-dev:i386 libxrender-dev:i386 libxml2-dev:i386 libxslt1-dev:i386 libpng12-dev:i386 libssl-dev:i386 libldap2-dev:i386 unixodbc-dev:i386
sudo apt-get -y build-dep wine1.7
There's also 2 symlink to add:
cd /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu
sudo ln -s
sudo ln -s
III / Downloading Sources:
git clone git:// ~/wine-git
cd ~/wine-git
IV / Applying a Patch:
As a matter of exemple, here we will build a specific version of wine (not the latest git):
git checkout wine-1.7.7
Next we will download and apply a patch:
wget -O HCCEpatch.diff
cat HCCEpatch.diff | patch -p1
V / Compilation:
VI / Using your newly built wine
Usually to launch a windows application with wine you would enter:
wine somefile.exe
But here, to use your own manually compiled wine, you will need to specify the exact path of your wine binary:
(the folder were we downloaded and compiled the source code)
So, to launch the installation process:
WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=/home/#user_profile#/.winehearthstone ~/wine-git/wine #path_to_installer#/
VII / Editing desktop launch icon:
We'll create a new file to launch our application with the correct (our manually compiled) version of wine:
create a new file called LaunchBattlenet in your /home/#userprofile#/.winehearthstone folder containing the following command (in one line):
WINEPREFIX=/home/#userprofile#/.winehearthstone /home/#userprofile#/wine-git/wine /home/#userprofile#/.winehearthstone/drive_c/Program\ Files/
Make it executable:
chmod +x /home/#userprofile#/.winehearthstone/LaunchBattlenet
Now you can launch battlenet from a terminal by launching your startup script:
An easy way to launch it would be to either do a symling of it on your desktop, or edit a desktop icon to launch it.
Watch video [HowTo] Compile wine from git on Ubuntu and apply a custom patch online without registration, duration hours minute second in high quality. This video was added by user snowdreike 04 January 2014, don't forget to share it with your friends and acquaintances, it has been viewed on our site 6,663 once and liked it 41 people.