52 Assignment Feedback - March

Опубликовано: 01 Январь 1970
на канале: Peter Forsgård

In this Live Stream, I will give feedback on images from March's Assignments.
⭐️📷 1on1 sessions: https://www.ajatuksiavalokuvauksesta....

⭐️📷 Support my free content:
👉 Buy Me a Coffee: https://buymeacoff.ee/PeterForsgard
👉 https://paypal.me/peterforsgard

👉 Join my Facebook Group:   / peterforsgardyoutube  

My Channel membership is now open!
👉 Join:    / @forsgardpeter  

Get a Hoodie!
👉 https://peter-forsgard.creator-spring...

🎼Music and SFX from

► Affiliate programs I am in:

► Cameras and Lenses:
👉 B&H Photo: https://bhpho.to/36rubIY
👉 Laowa lenses: https://www.venuslens.net/ref/602/
👉 Mitakon lenses: https://zyoptics.net/?ref=PeterF

► Filters:
👉 H&Y Filters: https://hyfilters.net/?ref=PeterF

► Software:
👉 Excire: https://excireeu.pxf.io/P069xe
👉 Excire Inc.: https://excireinc.pxf.io/AoXK6o
👉 Topaz Labs:https://topazlabs.com/ref/644/
👉 DxOLab: https://tidd.ly/3l31ho8

► Other:
👉 Smallrig DE: https://www.smallrig.com.de/?ref=da5F...
👉 Smallrig: https://www.smallrig.com?afmc=4a5

Getting something from these links supports my channel. I will get a small commission.
You do not pay anything extra. Win-win.

► Want to learn more about photography? I have coaching sessions available in my Webstore:
👉 https://www.ajatuksiavalokuvauksesta....

Links to my gear (disclaimer: using these links when making purchases, you support this channel. You pay the same price, and I get a few bucks to finance this channel.)

📷 https://www.ajatuksiavalokuvauksesta....

► For Any professional inquiries, please email: [email protected]

Links to my accounts all around the web:

My portfolio: https://www.peterforsgard.com
My blog (eng): https://bit.ly/peterfblog
My Instagram:   / jpeterf  

My gear: https://www.ajatuksiavalokuvauksesta....
My kit.co store: https://kit.co/PeterF

#photography #PeterForsgard

(Disclaimer: Some of the links above are affiliate links. You support this channel when you use these links when making purchases. You pay the same price, and I get a few bucks to finance this channel.)