Elegoo sent me their Uno Project Super Start Kit, containing their version of the Arduino Uno and a number of electronic components, sensors and displays to get started tinkering with electronics and exploring Arduino microcontrollers. I'll take you through unboxing the kit, having a look at what is included and what the tutorials and code look like. I've also put together two sample projects using the included components.
Disclosure - Elegoo provided this kit for me to try out, but I was not paid to review or promote it.
Here's a link to buy the Elegoo Uno Project Starter Kit from their Amazon Store - https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B0772B34JW
Use the code DWZRAUL5 on checkout to get a discount on your order, valid until 27/09/2020 11:59 PM AEST
Download The Video Project Schematics & Code - https://www.the-diy-life.com/elegoo-u...
Let me know in the comments section what you think of the Elegoo Uno Project Super Starter Kit
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