CORRECTION: In the video I mentioned that the coil has probably 100s of turns, 2-3 hundreds, that is not correct, these many turns are for the primary winding of a microwave transformer oven. For the secondary winding there are thousands of turns, 2-3 thousands typically
In this video I show you how to make a Jacob's ladder using an induction cooker and a coil. The setup is rather dangerous, so be very careful if you decide to replicate it.
The technical name of this device is Horn Gap Lightning Arrester, one of the very early technologies that was used to protect the power system against surges.
Now that I upload this video is the first day of the new year 1401, and is beginning of spring of 2022. Happy new year to all Iranian and people from other countries who celebrate this event.
I started this channel exactly 2 years ago. So far we made 1243 subscribers and 276222 views, a great achievement in my view. I rarely asked people to subscribe to my channel, so most of these people came because of Youtube search. This suggest that even if you have not many friends, your channel can grow if you spend time.
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Смотрите видео Jacob's ladder made with an induction cooker онлайн без регистрации, длительностью 16 минут 40 секунд в хорошем качестве. Это видео добавил пользователь High Voltage Engineering by MG Niasar 19 Март 2022, не забудьте поделиться им ссылкой с друзьями и знакомыми, на нашем сайте его посмотрели 384 раз и оно понравилось 28 людям.