OnePlus 10T has been finally launched in India with Snapdragon 8+ Gen1 chipset. It is the company’s return to the T-numbered flagship. Earlier we saw the OnePlus 8T under the T branding. If we talk about the price range the phone is definitely much more affordable than the Oneplus 10 Pro. Hence, we decided to put both the phones together and compared the performance of the Oneplus 10T and the Oneplus 10 Pro.
Here we run a couple of benchmarking apps to check if there is a big improvement in Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1 SOC compared to the Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 SOC. So, do watch the full video to know if you should be spending money on the Oneplus 10T or the Oneplus 10 Pro.
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Смотрите видео OnePlus 10T vs OnePlus 10 Pro Performance Test, CPU Throttling, PUBG and GeekBench онлайн без регистрации, длительностью 21 минут 26 секунд в хорошем hd качестве. Это видео добавил пользователь 91mobiles 03 Август 2022, не забудьте поделиться им ссылкой с друзьями и знакомыми, на нашем сайте его посмотрели 45 тысяч раз и оно понравилось 742 людям.