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239 тыс
9 тыс


What Your Brain Is Really Doing When You're Doing 'Nothing'

What Your Brain Is Really Doing When You're Doing 'Nothing'

Quanta Magazine

When your mind is wandering, your brain's “default mode” network (DMN) is active. Its discovery 20 years ago inspired a raft of ...

54 тыс
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A Shot in the Dark for Dark Matter

A Shot in the Dark for Dark Matter

Quanta Magazine

The physicist Alex Sushkov uses atoms as miniature compass needles to search for dark matter. Researchers have long ...

3 млн
113 тыс


The Standard Model of Particle Physics: A Triumph of Science

The Standard Model of Particle Physics: A Triumph of Science

Quanta Magazine

The Standard Model of particle physics is the most successful scientific theory of all time. It describes how everything in the ...

103 тыс
4 тыс


How the Ancients Predicted Eclipses 3,000 Years Ago

How the Ancients Predicted Eclipses 3,000 Years Ago

Quanta Magazine

Nearly 3000 years ago, ancient Babylonians began one of the longest-running science experiments in history. The goal: to predict ...

5 млн
157 тыс


The Riemann Hypothesis, Explained

The Riemann Hypothesis, Explained

Quanta Magazine

The Riemann Hypothesis is the most notorious unsolved problem in all of mathematics. Ever since it was first proposed by ...

2 млн
86 тыс


The Biggest Project in Modern Mathematics

The Biggest Project in Modern Mathematics

Quanta Magazine

In a 1967 letter to the number theorist André Weil, a 30-year-old mathematician named Robert Langlands outlined striking ...

292 тыс
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A Bet Against Quantum Gravity

A Bet Against Quantum Gravity

Quanta Magazine

Is gravity quantum in nature, just like all the other particles and forces? Or is it fundamentally different? For nearly a century, ...

3 млн
55 тыс


Quantum Computers, Explained With Quantum Physics

Quantum Computers, Explained With Quantum Physics

Quanta Magazine

Quantum computers aren't the next generation of supercomputers—they're something else entirely. Before we can even begin to ...

2 млн
46 тыс


Biggest Breakthroughs in Math: 2023

Biggest Breakthroughs in Math: 2023

Quanta Magazine

Quanta Magazine's mathematics coverage in 2023 included landmark results in Ramsey theory and a remarkably simple ...

50 тыс
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Can Large Language Models Understand Meaning?

Can Large Language Models Understand Meaning?

Quanta Magazine

Brown University computer scientist Ellie Pavlick is translating philosophical concepts such as “understanding” and “meaning” into ...

396 тыс
12 тыс


When Computers Write Proofs, What's the Point of Mathematicians?

When Computers Write Proofs, What's the Point of Mathematicians?

Quanta Magazine

Andrew Granville knows that artificial intelligence will profoundly change math. The programming language Lean already plays a ...

50 тыс
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Cryptography's Mathematical 'Worlds': Which One Do We Live In?

Cryptography's Mathematical 'Worlds': Which One Do We Live In?

Quanta Magazine

For forty years, Russell Impagliazzo has worked at the forefront of computational complexity theory, the study of the intrinsic ...

762 тыс
22 тыс


Biggest Breakthroughs in Computer Science: 2023

Biggest Breakthroughs in Computer Science: 2023

Quanta Magazine

Quanta Magazine's computer science coverage in 2023 included progress on new approaches to artificial intelligence, ...

854 тыс
25 тыс


Biggest Breakthroughs in Biology and Neuroscience: 2023

Biggest Breakthroughs in Biology and Neuroscience: 2023

Quanta Magazine

Quanta Magazine's coverage of biology in 2023, including important research progress into the nature of consciousness, the ...

963 тыс
28 тыс


Biggest Breakthroughs in Physics: 2023

Biggest Breakthroughs in Physics: 2023

Quanta Magazine

In 2023, physicists found the gravitational wave background that's made by supermassive black hole collisions, teleported ...

96 тыс
4 тыс


How Vector Addition Keeps Your Computer From Crashing

How Vector Addition Keeps Your Computer From Crashing

Quanta Magazine

How can a programmer ensure a critical piece of software is bug-free? Theoretical computer scientists use a fundamental ...

215 тыс


DecodingThe Mandelbrot Set, Math’s Famed Fractal

DecodingThe Mandelbrot Set, Math’s Famed Fractal

Quanta Magazine

The Mandelbrot set is a special shape, with a fractal outline. Use a computer to zoom in on the set's jagged boundary and no ...

814 тыс
25 тыс


P vs. NP: The Biggest Puzzle in Computer Science

P vs. NP: The Biggest Puzzle in Computer Science

Quanta Magazine

Are there limits to what computers can do? How complex is too complex for computation? The question of how hard a problem is ...

9 тыс


What Is the Nature of Consciousness? | Podcast: The Joy of Why

What Is the Nature of Consciousness? | Podcast: The Joy of Why

Quanta Magazine

Neuroscience has made progress in deciphering how our brains think and perceive our surroundings, but a central feature of ...

130 тыс
5 тыс


Why Computer Vision Is a Hard Problem for AI

Why Computer Vision Is a Hard Problem for AI

Quanta Magazine

Computer scientist Alexei Efros suffers from poor eyesight, but this has hardly been a professional setback. It's helped him ...

2 млн
65 тыс


How Physicists Created a Holographic Wormhole in a Quantum Computer

How Physicists Created a Holographic Wormhole in a Quantum Computer

Quanta Magazine

UPDATE: In February 2023, an independent team of physicists presented evidence that the research described in this video did ...

2 млн
56 тыс


The High Schooler Who Solved a Prime Number Theorem

The High Schooler Who Solved a Prime Number Theorem

Quanta Magazine

In his senior year of high school, Daniel Larsen proved a key theorem about Carmichael numbers — strange entities that mimic ...

202 тыс
8 тыс


The Scientific Problem of Consciousness

The Scientific Problem of Consciousness

Quanta Magazine

Anil Seth wants to understand how minds work. As a neuroscientist at the University of Sussex in England, Seth has seen ...

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1 тыс


What Makes for ‘Good’ Math? | Podcast: The Joy of Why

What Makes for ‘Good’ Math? | Podcast: The Joy of Why

Quanta Magazine

Terence Tao, who has been called the “Mozart of Mathematics,” wrote an essay in 2007 about the common ingredients in “good” ...

848 тыс
21 тыс


Can a New Law of Physics Explain a Black Hole Paradox?

Can a New Law of Physics Explain a Black Hole Paradox?

Quanta Magazine

When the theoretical physicist Leonard Susskind encountered a head-scratching paradox about black holes, he turned to an ...

1 млн
38 тыс


How AI Discovered a Faster Matrix Multiplication Algorithm

How AI Discovered a Faster Matrix Multiplication Algorithm

Quanta Magazine

Researchers at Google research lab DeepMind trained an AI system called AlphaTensor to find new, faster algorithms to tackle an ...

3 млн
110 тыс


The Man Who Revolutionized Computer Science With Math

The Man Who Revolutionized Computer Science With Math

Quanta Magazine

Leslie Lamport revolutionized how computers talk to each other. The Turing Award-winning computer scientist pioneered the field ...

58 тыс
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Albert Einstein, Holograms and Quantum Gravity

Albert Einstein, Holograms and Quantum Gravity

Quanta Magazine

In the latest campaign to reconcile Einstein's theory of gravity with quantum mechanics, many physicists are studying how a higher ...

490 тыс
21 тыс


How Two Physicists Unlocked the Secrets of Two Dimensions

How Two Physicists Unlocked the Secrets of Two Dimensions

Quanta Magazine

Condensed matter physics is the most active field of contemporary physics and has yielded some of the biggest breakthroughs of ...

81 тыс


Maryam Mirzakhani: A Tenacious Explorer of Abstract Surfaces

Maryam Mirzakhani: A Tenacious Explorer of Abstract Surfaces

Quanta Magazine

Maryam Mirzakhani is a mathematics professor at Stanford University, whose monumental work draws deep connections between ...

678 тыс
24 тыс


Could One Physics Theory Unlock the Mysteries of the Brain?

Could One Physics Theory Unlock the Mysteries of the Brain?

Quanta Magazine

The ability of the phenomenon of criticality to explain the sudden emergence of new properties in complex systems has fascinated ...

993 тыс
33 тыс


Freeman Dyson: A ‘Rebel’ Without a Ph.D.

Freeman Dyson: A ‘Rebel’ Without a Ph.D.

Quanta Magazine

A wide-ranging interview with the legendary mathematical physicist Freeman Dyson in which he discusses his work with Richard ...

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8 тыс


One Man's Mission to Unveil Math's Beauty

One Man's Mission to Unveil Math's Beauty

Quanta Magazine

"Students haven't been taught that math is discovery," says Richard Rusczyk, founder of Art of Problem Solving. "Math is a creative ...

1 млн
37 тыс


2021's Biggest Breakthroughs in Math and Computer Science

2021's Biggest Breakthroughs in Math and Computer Science

Quanta Magazine

It was a big year. Researchers found a way to idealize deep neural networks using kernel machines—an important step toward ...

853 тыс
22 тыс


The Theory That Could Rewrite the Laws of Physics

The Theory That Could Rewrite the Laws of Physics

Quanta Magazine

Chiara Marletto is trying to build a master theory — a set of ideas so fundamental that all other theories would spring from it.

144 тыс
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The Bridge Between Math and Quantum Field Theory

The Bridge Between Math and Quantum Field Theory

Quanta Magazine

Even in an incomplete state, quantum field theory is the most successful physical theory ever discovered. Nathan Seiberg, one of ...

51 тыс
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The Physicist Who 'Sees' Into Black Holes

The Physicist Who 'Sees' Into Black Holes

Quanta Magazine

How do supermassive black holes shape the evolution of galaxies? What does an event horizon really look like? Why do black ...

74 тыс
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Unlocking the Secrets of Our Circadian Rhythms

Unlocking the Secrets of Our Circadian Rhythms

Quanta Magazine

The trailblazing chronobiologist Carrie Partch has a deep fascination with the biochemical mechanisms that living cells use to ...

646 тыс
22 тыс


2022's Biggest Breakthroughs in Math

2022's Biggest Breakthroughs in Math

Quanta Magazine

Mathematicians made major progress in 2022, solving a centuries-old geometry question called the interpolation problem, ...

29 тыс


Ken Ono: A Life Inspired by an Unexpected Genius

Ken Ono: A Life Inspired by an Unexpected Genius

Quanta Magazine

Ken Ono explains how Ramanujan has served as his “guardian angel” throughout his life and career. QUANTA MAGAZINE ...

6 тыс


What Is Quantum Teleportation? | Podcast: The Joy of Why

What Is Quantum Teleportation? | Podcast: The Joy of Why

Quanta Magazine

Quantum teleportation isn't just science fiction; it's entirely real and happening in laboratories today. But teleporting quantum ...

140 тыс
7 тыс


What Makes Physics Beautiful, According to a Nobel Prize Winner

What Makes Physics Beautiful, According to a Nobel Prize Winner

Quanta Magazine

In 1972, Frank Wilczek and his thesis adviser, David Gross, discovered the basic theory of the strong force — the final pillar of the ...

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67 тыс


2020's Biggest Breakthroughs in Math and Computer Science

2020's Biggest Breakthroughs in Math and Computer Science

Quanta Magazine

For mathematicians and computer scientists, 2020 was full of discipline-spanning discoveries and celebrations of creativity.

25 тыс


Artur Avila: A Brazilian Wunderkind Who Calms Chaos

Artur Avila: A Brazilian Wunderkind Who Calms Chaos

Quanta Magazine

A video profile of the mathematician Artur Avila, whose solutions to ubiquitous problems in chaos theory have earned him Brazil's ...

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6 тыс


The Biophysics of a Brainless Animal

The Biophysics of a Brainless Animal

Quanta Magazine

Trichoplax adhaerens is a species of placozoa, the simplest animals at the base of the tree of life. It doesn't have a nervous ...

111 тыс
1 тыс


What Happens if You Fall Into a Black Hole?

What Happens if You Fall Into a Black Hole?

Quanta Magazine

David Kaplan explores one of the biggest mysteries in physics: the apparent contradiction between general relativity and quantum ...

1 млн
47 тыс


2021's Breakthroughs in Neuroscience and Other Biology

2021's Breakthroughs in Neuroscience and Other Biology

Quanta Magazine

A paradigm shift in how we think about the functions of the human brain. A long-awaited genetic sequence of Rafflesia arnoldii, ...

41 тыс
1 тыс


Inside Dynamical Systems and the Mathematics of Change

Inside Dynamical Systems and the Mathematics of Change

Quanta Magazine

Bryna Kra searches for structures using symbolic dynamics. “[I love] finding order where you didn't know it existed,” she said.

234 тыс
8 тыс


Solving Math's Map Coloring Problem Using Graph Theory

Solving Math's Map Coloring Problem Using Graph Theory

Quanta Magazine

Can you fill in any map with just four colors? The so-called Four-Color theorem says that you can always do so in a way that ...

4 млн
112 тыс


2020's Biggest Breakthroughs in Physics

2020's Biggest Breakthroughs in Physics

Quanta Magazine

This year, two teams of physicists made profound progress on ideas that could bring about the next revolution in physics. Another ...

По вашему поисковому запросу Quanta magazine, мы нашли популярное видео на данную тему. После просмотра видео рекомендуем посмотреть онлайн What Your Brain Is Really Doing When You're Doing 'Nothing' бесплатно и в хорошем качестве, которое загрузил пользователь Quanta Magazine 13 Август 2024 продолжительностью 08 минут 31 секунд, у него 112 тысяч просмотров и 4 миллионов лайков.