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87 тыс
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St. Michael’s Lent (and Why You Should Do It)

St. Michael’s Lent (and Why You Should Do It)

Ascension Presents

Do you feel the call to engage more deeply in the spiritual battle raging around you? Do you want to deepen your prayer life?

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4 тыс


The Secret to Staying Happily Married

The Secret to Staying Happily Married

Ascension Presents

We've got a "Marriage Pop-Quiz" for you! Would you ditch your spouse to catch a flight? Imagine you're traveling with your spouse ...

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How Can I Know God's Will? #discernment

How Can I Know God's Will? #discernment

Ascension Presents

Do you feel called to marriage? Maybe you felt a call to become a priest or religious? But what if you are not accepted into the ...

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4 Keys to Good Prayer

4 Keys to Good Prayer

Ascension Presents

Does good prayer feel out of reach for you? Do distractions plague you unceasingly? Are you wondering if you're supposed to be ...

88 тыс
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A Message to Cradle Catholics

A Message to Cradle Catholics

Ascension Presents

A question to anyone who is thinking about rejecting Jesus (or has accepted him for that matter): have you even met him? Do you ...

130 тыс
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When Someone You Love Walks Away From God / Leaves the Church

When Someone You Love Walks Away From God / Leaves the Church

Ascension Presents

If you have a family member, friend, or loved one who is far from God, you're not alone. You're in good company—not the least of ...

152 тыс
8 тыс


God’s Ways Are Not Our Ways

God’s Ways Are Not Our Ways

Ascension Presents

Fr. Mike describes exactly how God works with us, even though God's ways are not our ways. It's like when a person you're living ...

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If You're Tired of Needing God

If You're Tired of Needing God

Ascension Presents

Sometimes life brings us down. Difficult situations cause us to become discouraged. This is natural (and inevitable). But there's ...



Weekly Warm Up 9-9-24

Weekly Warm Up 9-9-24

The Old Ways Podcast

Here's our Weekly Warm Up for Sept 9th, 2024! Monday 9 - Mage - Ascension of Babylon - Season1, Ep 10 Tuesday 10 ...

248 тыс
8 тыс


Theology of the Body Crash Course w/ Fr. Mike Schmitz — Session One: From the Beginning

Theology of the Body Crash Course w/ Fr. Mike Schmitz — Session One: From the Beginning

Ascension Presents

This video is one installment of a 4-part series on the Theology of the Body presented by Fr. Mike. For free access to the entire ...

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A Theology of Working Out

A Theology of Working Out

Ascension Presents

Let's talk about exercise! Today Fr. Mike challenges us to re-evaluate the way we treat and view our bodies as well as to compare ...

235 тыс
11 тыс


Sneaky Ways to Be Prideful (and How to Stop)

Sneaky Ways to Be Prideful (and How to Stop)

Ascension Presents

"I don't... think... I'm prideful...?" Great! If you examine your actions and intentions and you don't detect any obvious pride, that's a ...

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23 тыс


Why Can’t Catholics Scatter Their Ashes?

Why Can’t Catholics Scatter Their Ashes?

Ascension Presents

What is a human being? What happens when we die? Why do we visit cemeteries? And why do Catholics bury the dead instead ...

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What Is God's Will for My Life? Discernment 101 (feat. Br. Lawrence)

What Is God's Will for My Life? Discernment 101 (feat. Br. Lawrence)

Ascension Presents

How do I know what God wants for my life? How do I make decisions that I can feel certain are within his will for me? What does ...

85 тыс
6 тыс


I Love Being Catholic. Here's Why.

I Love Being Catholic. Here's Why.

Ascension Presents

If you're truly open-minded, you can find some truth in most religions. You can find plenty of goodness and beauty as well.

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25 тыс


How Guardian Angels Actually Work

How Guardian Angels Actually Work

Ascension Presents

Are angels real? Why did God make them? What do guardian angels do? Do I have one? Does it have a name? Can I name it?

45 тыс
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How to Understand the Entire Bible Story... in 10 Minutes

How to Understand the Entire Bible Story... in 10 Minutes

Ascension Presents

The Bible is the Word of God. It is a foundation of our faith. And it tells the story of the human race—a story that you're a part of.

376 тыс
22 тыс


Fr. Mike Reacts to Olympics "Last Supper"

Fr. Mike Reacts to Olympics "Last Supper"

Ascension Presents

Join Fr. Mike on Tour: Perhaps you've heard about the blasphemous debacle that ...

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Fr. Mike Got a Tattoo?

Fr. Mike Got a Tattoo?

Ascension Presents

What happened? Did Fr. Mike change his mind on tattoos? Fr. Mike reveals his recent tattoo, why he got it, and how it points to ...

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Mother Teresa’s Special Message for Mothers Everywhere (feat. Debbie Herbeck) #motherteresa

Mother Teresa’s Special Message for Mothers Everywhere (feat. Debbie Herbeck) #motherteresa

Ascension Presents

Today, Debbie Herbeck shares a touching and unforgettable encounter with Mother Teresa of Calcutta. In just a few words, this ...

341 тыс
12 тыс


Do Catholics Believe in "Signs from the Dead"?

Do Catholics Believe in "Signs from the Dead"?

Ascension Presents

Does a passing blue jay remind you of a deceased loved one? Does a specific number or color call their loss to your memory?

68 тыс
5 тыс


Can I Sin in My Dreams?

Can I Sin in My Dreams?

Ascension Presents

Have you ever had dark, disturbing dreams? If you did, did you feel guilty when you woke up? Did you have some vague sense of ...

726 тыс
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The Sisters of Life Answer the Internet's Top Questions About Nuns

The Sisters of Life Answer the Internet's Top Questions About Nuns

Ascension Presents

When do religious sisters retire? Are they all Catholic? How do they get their names? What's the difference between nuns and ...

172 тыс
12 тыс


God Wants You to Rest (feat. Sr. Mary Grace, SV)

God Wants You to Rest (feat. Sr. Mary Grace, SV)

Ascension Presents

When was the last time you took a real break? Because of the world's rapid pace, we can easily think of rest as a waste of time or ...

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3 тыс


Politics vs. Principles

Politics vs. Principles

Ascension Presents

Is there any hope for unity in the United States of America? Fr. Mike gives a resounding "yes". But not over politics or policies—but ...

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Saying Goodbye, Starting Over, and Transitioning

Saying Goodbye, Starting Over, and Transitioning

Ascension Presents

Change is always hard. Transitions in life are difficult. Goodbyes are never easy. Endings are rarely joyful. But today, Fr. Mike ...

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15 тыс


Prideful? Here’s How to Stop and Be Humble

Prideful? Here’s How to Stop and Be Humble

Ascension Presents

If you or someone you know has benefited from Ascension's free media, would you consider giving a gift of financial support?

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4 Ways to Grow in Trust (feat. Fr. Michelangelo)

4 Ways to Grow in Trust (feat. Fr. Michelangelo)

Ascension Presents

What's keeping you from trusting God? Is fear restricting your capacity for relationships? Today, Fr. Michelangelo joins Fr.

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35 тыс


The Bible in 10 Minutes (feat. Fr. Mike Schmitz)

The Bible in 10 Minutes (feat. Fr. Mike Schmitz)

The Bible in a Year & More: Fr. Mike & Jeff Cavins

The Bible is amazing... but sometimes confusing and hard to read. How can we understand the whole story? From Ascension and ...

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"I Go to Mass, but it Feels Like Nothing Changes"

"I Go to Mass, but it Feels Like Nothing Changes"

Ascension Presents

The sacraments that Christ gave his church are powerful. They are life changing. But... they are not magic. Jesus Christ's life ...

4 тыс


Ascension Press - Catechism of the Catholic Church - From a Protestant Perspective

Ascension Press - Catechism of the Catholic Church - From a Protestant Perspective

A Nickels Worth Bible Reviews

As a Pentecostal pastor, the movement as a whole is not very credal. We also to my knowledge, have no formal catechism. While I ...

10 тыс


Unboxing My Ascension Press Catechism of the Catholic Church!!! #unboxing

Unboxing My Ascension Press Catechism of the Catholic Church!!! #unboxing

Sawyer Studios

Here is my review on the Catechism of the Catholic Church presented by Ascension press in which you can pre-order one today!

387 тыс
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Pray with Us: The Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary with Fr. Mike Schmitz (Tuesdays & Fridays)

Pray with Us: The Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary with Fr. Mike Schmitz (Tuesdays & Fridays)

Ascension Presents

Today, Fr. Mike invites you to pray the Sorrow Mysteries of the Rosary with him. "In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of ...

321 тыс
13 тыс


When Your Desires and God’s Plans Are Different

When Your Desires and God’s Plans Are Different

Ascension Presents

Just because you desire something deeply doesn't mean it's God's plans for you. Sometimes our desires and God's will are ...

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The Catechism of the Catholic  Church Has Been Changed!

The Catechism of the Catholic Church Has Been Changed!

Douglas Beaumont

In support of the Catechism in a Year podcast with Fr. Mike Schmitz, Ascension Press - the publishers of the Great Adventure ...

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What Really Happens in Eucharistic Adoration

What Really Happens in Eucharistic Adoration

Ascension Presents

We know that God is calling us spend time with Him in prayer. But sometimes it can feel like a waste of time. But is it? Today, Fr.

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Attn: Moms and Dads: You Don't Need to be Perfect to Get Your Kids to Heaven

Attn: Moms and Dads: You Don't Need to be Perfect to Get Your Kids to Heaven

Ascension Presents

Calling all Moms and Dads! You might feel discouraged or frustrated as you parent and seek to keep your kids close to Christ.

567 тыс
27 тыс


Confessing the Same Sins Over and Over Again

Confessing the Same Sins Over and Over Again

Ascension Presents

In this week's video from Fr. Mike, he discusses why confessing the same sins over and over isn't entirely a bad thing. He also ...

309 тыс
15 тыс


This One Thing Makes Christianity Different From Every Other Religion

This One Thing Makes Christianity Different From Every Other Religion

Ascension Presents

Today's video is an excerpt from "Belonging: Baptism in the Family of God." To learn more about this amazing resource visit: ...

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Pray with Us: The Magnificat with Mary (w/ Sr. Mary Grace & Sr. Ann Immaculée)

Pray with Us: The Magnificat with Mary (w/ Sr. Mary Grace & Sr. Ann Immaculée)

Ascension Presents

We invite you to pray with us the "Magnificat with Mary" with Sr. Mary Grace and Sr. Ann Immaculée of the Sisters of Life. See the ...

550 тыс
18 тыс


I Ain't Afraid of No Ghosts!

I Ain't Afraid of No Ghosts!

Ascension Presents

The mere thought of ghosts can give us goose bumps sometimes, but there are still moments when we think ghost stories are just ...

22 тыс
1 тыс


Why We LOVE the Catechism of the Catholic Church

Why We LOVE the Catechism of the Catholic Church

Ascension Presents

Get the official Catechism in a Year Reading Plan ( Also Subscribe to@TheCatechismInAYear for ...

5 млн
29 тыс


Pray with Us: The Holy Rosary

Pray with Us: The Holy Rosary

Ascension Presents

Fr. Mark-Mary and Brother Malachy invite you to pray the Rosary with them. Previously they spoke of the power and importance of ...

516 тыс
18 тыс


How to See God in Everything, Every Day (and How to Respond)

How to See God in Everything, Every Day (and How to Respond)

Ascension Presents

It is good to guard the secret of a king, but gloriously to reveal the works of God, and with fitting honor to acknowledge him.

6 млн
26 тыс


Pray with Us: The Chaplet of Divine Mercy

Pray with Us: The Chaplet of Divine Mercy

Ascension Presents

Join Fr. Mark-Mary and Fr. Pierre Toussaint as they pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. Now is the ideal time to pray the Chaplet, ...

161 тыс
7 тыс


Have You Mastered the Basics of Your Faith?

Have You Mastered the Basics of Your Faith?

Ascension Presents

Fr. Mike makes the case that, before you claim a certain “style” in practicing the faith, you have to master the basics. He tells a ...

166 тыс
9 тыс


Why Are Some People So Annoying?

Why Are Some People So Annoying?

Ascension Presents

We all have pet peeves. We all get annoyed by things that really don't matter much, whether it's someone chewing with their ...

1 млн
35 тыс


Praying in a State of Mortal Sin

Praying in a State of Mortal Sin

Ascension Presents

Contrite prayer can be an act of courage, because Lord knows there's no harder time to pray than after we know we've sinned.

287 тыс
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Straightforward Career and Job Advice

Straightforward Career and Job Advice

Ascension Presents

It's all too common for us to think of our work as either the thing that gives us our identity, or something to be avoided at all cost, ...

198 тыс
12 тыс


Stress: Is It Healthy or Dangerous?

Stress: Is It Healthy or Dangerous?

Ascension Presents

We often consider all stress to be bad for us, but in this video Fr. Mike makes the case for stress—eustress, that is, or the kind that ...

По вашему поисковому запросу Ascension press, мы нашли популярное видео на данную тему. После просмотра видео рекомендуем посмотреть онлайн St. Michael’s Lent (and Why You Should Do It) бесплатно и в хорошем качестве, которое загрузил пользователь Ascension Presents 14 Август 2024 продолжительностью 07 минут 52 секунд, у него 12 тысяч просмотров и 198 тысяч лайков.