Berkshire Hathaway Stocks or BRK stock, traded as BRK.A and BRK.B where 1,500 BRK.B equal one BRK.A, is undervalued when compared to the market. So in this Berkshire Hathaway stock valuation exercise we compare the actual market capitalization of Berkshire with what would be the likely market value of Berkshire Hathaway's holdings if traded like public companies.
0:00 Berkshire Hathaway Undervalued
2:32 Buffett And Taleb
5:15 BNSF
6:43 Berkshire Hathaway Energy
12:54 Manufacturing
13:41 Insurance
15:33 Berkshire cash pile
16:45 BRK Stock Valuation
When it comes to Berkshire and Warren Buffett, the key not the stock price, the performance or comparison, the key is the investment style. I believe how Buffett is investing, which is the opposite than corporate America, is a much better way to invest because it is focused long-term. There is no crazy leverage, Berkshire doesn't do crazy buybacks and there is the cash pile ready to take action when all others fail.
The funny thing is that Berkshire Hathaway is trading at a 40% discount to the market while being a better fundamental investment from all perspectives. You see how what fits your portfolio.
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