Наступили праздничные и выходные дни. Поехал на "третий мысовой тоннель" половить омуля. Глубина места ловли составила 200 метров. Утром был плотный туман. Тихо и без ветра. Поймал одного омуля. Я не расстроился. Хорошо отдохнул. Подышал воздухом.
Holidays and weekends have arrived. I went to the "third cape tunnel" to catch omul. The depth of the place of fishing was 200 meters. There was a dense fog in the morning. Quiet and no wind. Caught one omul. I didn't get upset. Well rested. Breathed in the air.
Watch video Рыбалка на Байкале на омуля 23 февраля 2023. Fishing on Lake Baikal for omul February 23, 2023 online without registration, duration hours minute second in high quality. This video was added by user Александр ZAW 26 February 2023, don't forget to share it with your friends and acquaintances, it has been viewed on our site 9,183 once and liked it 82 people.