Atrial Flutter ECG Explained, Practice ECG's, Treatment, Symptoms, ECG Interpretation Lecture, USMLE
In this video on atrial flutter ecg interpretation lecture i have talked in detail about the sawtooth appearance of atrial flutter in an ECG. i have discussed clinical presentation symptoms and treatment and management of atrial flutter according to the latest acls guidelines. Atrial flutter ecg findings have been explained in detail.
In this video series on ECG interpretation made easy lecture series for medical students doctors nurses and students preparing for neet pg/ USMLE/ NCLEX as well as doctors working in hospitals. This video series explains the basics of ECG from the very core. After completing this video series you will mastered the art of ECG. This series also includes practice questions and practice ecgs for you to learn how to read ECG and how to interpret different ECG rhythms. Learn about different tachycardias arrhythmias and their management in this video series.
0:00 Intro
0:07 What is Atrial Flutter?
2:35 Sawtooth Appearance
3:33 Causes
4:49 ECG Explained
7:08 ECG Characteristics in Atrial Flutter
8:35 Practice ECG #1
12:22 Practice ECG #2
14:14 Practice ECG #3
16:04 Symptoms
16:29 Treatment/Management
17:33 Summary
ECG Interpretation Made Easy Playlist: • ECG Interpretation Made Easy
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