Sand Land is a post-apocalyptic story by Toriyama, the creator of Dragon Ball. Set in a far future, the story takes place on Earth and revolves around two groups - humans and demons - living in a world where water is a scarce resource controlled by a king who uses the situation for profit. The protagonist is Beelzebub, a little video game-loving imp son of the king of demons, who steals water to provide for his people and even shares it with humans living in poverty. The story is getting an animated movie, and Toriyama intended Sand Land to be a simple story that encapsulates the essence of his passion for mechanical gubbins. Fans of Mad Max and dystopian worlds where there is one limited source will love this one-volume manga, which is more self-contained than Dragon Ball. #DragonBall #Toriyama #SandLand #DragonBallZ #DBZ #anime
Toriyama's UNDERRATED 'Sequel' to Dragon Ball
• This Was ALMOST Toriyama's Final Manga
• This Was ALMOST Toriyama's Final Manga
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Intro theme by Infinity Tone - / infinitytone
00:00 Introduction
00:46 Toriyama's Lesser Known Gem
04:35 Why It's Good
06:12 Toriyama Gushes Over It!
Watch video This Was ALMOST Toriyama's Final Manga online without registration, duration hours minute second in high quality. This video was added by user MasakoX 26 April 2023, don't forget to share it with your friends and acquaintances, it has been viewed on our site 12,070 once and liked it 875 people.