In this 7 hour tutorial, we will learn about Clean Architecture in Flutter by building a full stack application. We will learn about SOLID Principles and its usage in Clean Architecture, Bloc & Cubit State Management, Supabase, get_it and the need for dependency injection.
Prerequisites: Dart & Flutter Basics
Flutter version: 3.19.1
Code Reviewer -
Clean Architecture Image Credits:
Discord Server -
Source Code (MAKE IT PUBLIC) -
Color Pallete -
Build a User Management App Supabase Blog -
Blog App Design Dribbble -
(00:00:00) Introduction
(00:01:10) Creating Project
(00:02:38) App Flow
(00:04:26) Components of Clean Architecture - Data, Domain & Presentation Layer
(00:14:12) SOLID Principles + Clean Architecture
(00:17:15) Flutter Clean Architecture Folder Structure
(00:19:37) Signup Page UI
(00:50:28) Form for Signup Page
(00:57:58) Login Page UI & Form
(01:06:40) Domain Layer - AuthRepository
(01:16:04) Supabase Setup
(01:22:05) Data Layer - Auth Remote DataSource (For Sign Up)
(01:35:06) Data Layer - AuthRepository Implementation (For Sign Up)
(01:40:25) SignUp UseCase
(01:49:48) Auth Bloc (State Management) (For Sign Up)
(02:00:34) Connecting Auth Bloc to UI
(02:06:57) Again, Why Depend on Interface not Implementation?
(02:08:17) SignUp Feature Manual Testing
(02:09:52) Dependency Injection with get_it
(02:24:16) Creating Postgres Table & Function Trigger - Profiles
(02:39:20) User Entity & User Model
(02:49:47) Displaying Loading, Failure States in UI
(02:55:33) Same things like before but with Login as feature
(03:15:22) Clean Architecture + SOLID Principles Recap w/ Small Refactoring
(03:25:49) Persisting Auth State with Flutter & Supabase
(03:46:52) App-wide User
(04:00:45) Refactoring in AuthBloc - CatchAll Loading State
(04:02:53) Clean Architecture For Auth Done (Stop watching if you want)
(04:03:22) What’s Next? | Blog Feature | Blog Page AppBar
(04:09:16) Add New Blog Page UI
(04:28:30) Flutter Pick Image
(04:39:31) Supabase Create Table - Blogs
(04:48:11) Uploading Blog - BlogModel, Blog Entity, BlogDataSource & BlogDataSourceImpl
(05:04:15) Uploading Blog - Rest of the Clean Architecture + DI + Form
(05:34:20) Displaying Blogs - Clean Architecture
(05:56:18) Blog Card UI
(06:04:31) Calculate Reading Time Dynamically (Regex) + Changing Card Color
(06:15:14) Blog Viewer Page
(06:23:30) Date Formatting using Intl + Scrollbar
(06:26:46) Checking Internet Connection in Flutter
(06:30:20) Internet Connection in Auth + Supabase User Offline + DI
(06:36:46) Flutter Local Storage | Hive
(06:53:23) Bugs & Code Refactoring
(07:04:13) When not to use Clean Architecture?
(07:04:39) Conclusion
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Watch video Flutter Clean Architecture Full Course For Beginners - Bloc, Supabase, Hive, GetIt online without registration, duration 07 hours 04 minute 59 second in high hd quality. This video was added by user Rivaan Ranawat 08 March 2024, don't forget to share it with your friends and acquaintances, it has been viewed on our site 153 thousand once and liked it 4 thousand people.