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Ninja Tables is the most advanced, and modern Table builder plugin on WordPress. You can easily build any type of HTML tables with its powerful column builder where you can specify how it will look on different devices. You don't need to know any HTML or CSS at all.
=The Easiest Responsive Table Plugin on WordPress =
Quickly create responsive HTML tables to show thousands of data on your site, It's powerful search and ajax features will help your users to filter data easily. Comes with the best frontend table styles like Footables, Bootstrap 3, Bootstrap 4, Symmetric UI.
== 100+ Table Styles ==
NinjaTables shipped with 3 most popular CSS library with multiple color schema and table style.
= It’s Blazing Fast! =
NinjaTables works on everything from a single page. The backend is built on VueJS and VueRouter as SPA so the experience will be smooth. From creating a table to configuring settings or add entries, importing from CSV, re-arranging columns everything feels real time. No delay - because your time is precious! The frontend table rendering is even faster with minimal js and css load, The frontend data load using ajax so it can handle thousands of table rows without affecting your page load time.
= Easy Configuration Option =
Design Table columns and configure responsive breakpoints is faster with our user-friendly column builder that lets you re-arrange the columns easily. Also, You can specify the data type for each column like single line text, text area or HTML area where you will get WYSIWYG HTML editor.
= Mobile Responsive Tables =
Rendering tables in all devices are critical. Ninja Tables will solve this problem by placing certain columns in-row expandable area. You can control which columns will show in which devices easily and visually. Also, Ninja Tables have real-time sorting, pagination, searching features and it works on all devices.
= Export and Import Data =
You can export your table in CSV or JSON format and save them in a safe place or you can take your table data and use them in any other program. So, your data will always be portable and safe. In the same way, You can import any table from CSV, JSON data source.
= Import Tables from other table Plugins =
Already using other plugins for tables and have any data with it. We have covered it. In this plugin, You can easily import table with data from other Table Plugins like "TablePress".