В этом скучном и долгом уроке я постараюсь вам показать как работать в Melodyne, а точнее как Я в нем работаю и что ...
КАК БЫСТРО ПРОТЮНИТЬ ВОКАЛ в Melodyne / сведение голоса
Ручной тюнинг голоса занимает большое количество времени. Чтобы максимально эффективно обрабатывать и ...
5 Melodyne Tips You NEED to Know!
MY STUDIO GEAR AUDIO INTERFACES I USE Universal Audio Apollo X4: https://sweetwater.sjv.io/9gGAVj Antelope Audio ...
In this video, join Conor on a journey through the transformative power of Melodyne. In this video, I'll walk you through the steps of ...
Melodyne: Next generation vocal riding
Vocal riding – usually done with mix automation or clip gain editing – can result in a stable and strong lead vocal that makes your ...
You are probably familiar with the term "vocal riding" which refers to the dynamic control of the amplitude of a vocal performance.
Тонкости работы в Celemony Melodyne
Коррекция вокала в Celemony Melodyne. Если вы хотите поддержать меня стаканчиком кофе: 4276 3800 6829 4045 (сбер ...
Note separations in Melodyne: How they work
In Melodyne, moving or adding note separations opens up many additional musical possibilities. In this quick tip, Stefan shows the ...
Melodyne: Automatic tuning. But with care.
You're not so much a fan of manual editing? Maybe automatic tuning is more your thing? Then the Correct Pitch macro is what ...
Melodyne: Small thing, big impact on workflow
In Melodyne, you'll often find yourself constantly switching back and forth between two specific tools. Here's how to boost your ...
I might do another one because I honestly don't think this rip turned out that great and I want to do better demonstrations of what ...
Pitch correction basics in Melodyne essential
In this video, Rich covers all the basic editing techniques you can perform with Melodyne essential (and of course with the larger ...
Melodyne: The key(s) to precise vocal editing
This Melodyne Quick Tip is all about the arrow keys on your computer keyboard. Use them to edit not just the timing, but also the ...
Melodyne knows which tuning is in the file
Never tune vocals based on the wrong assumptions! In today's tip, you will learn why master tuning matters and how to set it up ...
How to get a better bass performance with Melodyne
Stefan's latest Melodyne quick tip is about how to have more control over the timing of a bass guitar. Learn how to make use of ...
In today's video, Rich shows how to give a vocal more stability and authority in both pitch and tone. He uses a number of tools that ...
The benefits of upgrading your copy of Melodyne
Melodyne assistant comes with powerful tools for truly professional vocal editing. For the editing of pitch and timing alone, ...
Celemony Melodyne 4 Studio - Tempo Detection
Have you ever tried to sync a track that was not played with a click? An impossible task! but not with Melodyne 4 studio.
В этом видео преподаватель Иван Романовский разобрал функционал мегаполезного плагина для обработки вокала ...
Melodyne 5: The Sound Editor – reshape, recolor, redesign
The Grammy Award-winning audio software Melodyne is used all over the world every day: a studio standard, in fact. Thanks to ...
According to your search query Селемони мелодин, we found a popular video on this topic. After watching the video we recommend you to watch online ИСПРАВЛЯЕМ ВОКАЛ В MELODYNE - ОСНОВЫ free and in good quality, which was uploaded by the user АЙТИМЕЙК 01 January 1970 with a duration of 25 hours 59 minute second, he has 957 views and 70 thousand likes.