A quick overview of how you might put together a character like this for a still pose in Blender. I use a free third-party add-on called Autoremesher in this one to speed up the retopology stage. Available for download at github. Link below.
➤ [Chapters]
0:00 Introduction
0:12 Rough Blockout
1:06 Refine Blockout
1:50 Join & Sculpt - Head
2:35 Eyes & Eyelids
3:09 Hair (Mask Extract)
3:50 Eyebrows (Snap to Face)
4:33 Join & Sculpt - Hand
4:50 Fingernails
5:15 Join & Sculpt - Boots
5:39 Join & Sculpt - Body
6:10 Sculpting the Bodysuit & Accessories
8:05 Sculpting in Wrinkles
8:24 Redoing the Face
8:45 Retopologizing with Autoremesher
10:05 Adding in Details with Multi-resolution Modifier
10:26 Adding Lights with Tri-lighting Addon
10:43 UV Unwrapping with Smart UV Project
11:06 Baking Ambient Occlusion Map
11:35 Adding Color & Roughness
11:55 Rigging with Rigify
12:43 Weight Painting
13:22 Posing with Rigify Rig
13:45 Turntable animation with Turnaround Addon
13:55 Wrap-up & Shoutouts!
➤ [Download Links]
➤ [Some Other Videos of Mine]
Easier, Faster Rigging: • Blender 2.9 Tutorial - How to Rig a C...
Beginner Sculpting Tutorial - Stylized Bear: • Blender 2.9 Tutorial - Beginner Sculp...
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Facebook: / blendercharactercreation
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Twitch: / russellmidfield
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